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Organization Drom is joining the ERRC’s Roma Rights Network
The Roma Rights network is comprised of human rights organisations from around Europe, who work on challenging human rights issues faced by Romani people through direct advocacy, litigation, mobilisation and campaigning. Further, it expands on terms of interaction between the network members and the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) and the rights and responsibilities for each party. The ERRC Roma Rights Network is a formal platform facilitating interactions between the ERRC and the network associate members. It aims to foster mutual discussions and actions towards challenging discrimination and human rights violations faced by Romani people in Europe.
The network's primary focus is:
· initiating new strategic legal cases;
· launching advocacy and communications campaigns;
· participating in research to support legal action;
· seeking joint funding opportunities;
· and engaging activists online and offline.
The work of the network aims to impact the human rights agenda for Roma in the European sphere in a coordinated manner by working on joint actions and projects. Therefore, all network members are committed to human rights as contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other fundamental international human rights conventions and instruments for the joint work and deliverables of the network.